Foxability - Test results
Test results
Test results
Test subject:
Statistics for the evaluated page
Total tests: 66
Tests | Percent | Total | Percent | |
Total passed: | 56 | 84.85% | 56 | 39.44% |
-Passed with remarks: | 21 | 31.82% | 26 | 18.31% |
Failed: | 7 | 10.61% | 31 | 21.83% |
Warnings: | 3 | 4.55% | 29 | 20.42% |
Total: | 66 | 100.00% | 142 | 100.00% |
WCAG 1.0 A
Guideline 1
1.1 - Elements have text equivalents. (6)
(hide test results)- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/wwwhumakedu.js"></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src="
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3557527-1"); pageTracke
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Test result
- Failed
1.2 - A serverside Image map without an alternative textlink
- Test result
- Passed
1.3 - Auditory descriptions for visual tracks.
(hide test results)- Remark, until user agents can automatically read aloud the text equivalent of a visual track, provide an auditory description of the important information of the visual track of a multimedia presentation.
- Test result
- Passed
1.4 - Equivalent alternatives for time based multimedia.
(hide test results)- Remark, for any time-based multimedia presentation (e.g., a movie or animation), synchronize equivalent alternatives (e.g., captions or auditory descriptions of the visual track) with the presentation.
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 2
2.1 - Information is conveyed even without colors.
(hide test results)- Remark, ensure that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup.
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 4
4.1 - Language changes are identified.
(hide test results)- Remark, if multiple languages are used in the document, clearly identify changes in the natural language of the document's text.
- Use the "lang" or "xml:lang" attribute to identify any changes in language. For example: Galileo said quietly: <q lang="it">Eppur si muove</q>
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 5
5.1 - Table used properly
- Test result
- Passed
5.2 - Associate data cells and header cells
(hide test results)- Remark, for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers, use markup to associate data cells and header cells. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 6
6.1 - Organize documents so they may be read without style sheets
(hide test results)- Remark, 3 deprecated elements were found. Error was found from
element code:<style type="text/css" title="currentStyle" media="screen"> @import "/css/base.css"; @import "/
.- Ensure this document can be read without any styles or style sheets.
- Test result
- Passed
6.2 - Ensure that equivalents for dynamic content are updated when thedynamic content changes (6)
(hide test results)- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/wwwhumakedu.js"></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src="
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3557527-1"); pageTracke
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Test result
- Failed
6.3 - Ensure that pages are usable when scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are turned off or not supported
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 7
7.1 - Avoid causing the screen to flicker
(hide test results)- Remark, until user agents allow users to control flickering, avoid causing the screen to flicker. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 8
8.1 - Programmatic elements such as scripts and applets must/should be directly accessible or compatible with assistive technologies (6)
(hide test results)- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/wwwhumakedu.js"></script>
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src="
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3557527-1"); pageTracke
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 9
9.1 - Client-side versus server-side image maps
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 11
11.4 - Accessible page
(hide test results)- Remark, if, after best efforts, you cannot create an accessible page, provide a link to an alternative page that is accessible, has equivalent information, and is updated as often as the inaccessible page. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 12
12.1 - Providing a frame title
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 14
14.1 - Clear and simple language.
(hide test results)- Remark, use the clearest and simplest language appropriate for a site's content.
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 1
1.5 - Client-side image map links need to have text equivalents
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 2
2.2 - Colors are visible.
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 4
4.2 - Acronyms and abbreviations. (18)
(hide test results)- Warning, potential abbreviation found: HUMAK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/">HUMAK Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu<span></span></a>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: HUMAK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/humak_ja_kampukset/">HUMAK ja kampukset<span></span></a>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: HUMAK. Error was found from
element code:<h2 class="replace" id="centerheading">HUMAK ja koulutusohjelmat<span></span></h2>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_nuorille/kansalaistoimintajanuorisotyo.html">AMK-tutkinnot
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_aikuisille/kansalaistoiminta-ja-nuorisotyo.html">AMK-tutkin
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/ylemmat_amk-tutkinnot/jarjesto-ja-nuorisotyo.html">Ylemmät AMK-tutkinnot<
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_nuorille/kulttuurituotanto.html">AMK-tutkinnot nuorille</a>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_aikuisille/kulttuurituotanto.html">AMK-tutkinnot aikuisille
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/ylemmat_amk-tutkinnot/kulttuurituotanto.html">Ylemmät AMK-tutkinnot</a>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_nuorille/viittomakielentulkit.html">AMK-tutkinnot nuorille<
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_aikuisille/viittomakielentulkki.html">AMK-tutkinnot aikuisi
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/ylemmat_amk-tutkinnot/viittomakieliala.html%20">Ylemmät AMK-tutkinnot</a>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="">Opiskele avoimessa AMK:ssa!</a>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: HUMAK. Error was found from
element code:<option value="720"> HUMAK mukana Maailma kylässä -festivaali ... </option>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: MOVE. Error was found from
element code:<option value="709"> Monikulttuurinen MOVE-festivaali Espooss ... </option>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: AMK. Error was found from
element code:<option value="703"> Aikuiskoulutuksen yhteishaussa AMK-tutki ... </option>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: HURMA. Error was found from
element code:<a target="_blank" href="">HURMA</a>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: HUMAKO. Error was found from
element code:<a target="_blank" href="">HUMAKO</a>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Test result
- Warning
4.3 - Primary language.
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 5
5.5 - Summary, caption and title in table
- Test result
- Passed
5.6 - Abbr used in long table headers names
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 9
9.4 - Creating a logical tab order through links, form controls and objects
- Test result
- Passed
9.5 - Keyboard shortcuts
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 10
10.3 - Verify that a linearized version of tables used for layout is provided
- Test result
- Passed
10.4 - Including default, place-holding characters in edit boxes and text areas (empty controls)
- Test result
- Passed
10.5 - Non-link, printable characters (3)
(hide test results)- Failed, link element a is too close to next one. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/documents/Hakijanopas-nuoret-2009.pdf">Hakijan opas 2009 - Nuorisokoulutus</a>
.- Separate links by some element or "whitespace - Some character(s) - whitespase". Examples:...<a href="page7.html">Prew</a> | <a href="page.html9">Next</a>... or...<a href="page7.html">Prew</a> <br /> <a href="page.html9">Next</a>... or...<li><a href="page7.html">Prew</a></li><li><a href="page.html9">Next</a></li>... More information from
- Failed, link element a is too close to next one. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/documents/Aikuisten-Hakijanopas-2009.pdf">Hakijan opas 2009 - Aikuiskoulutus</a>
.- Separate links by some element or "whitespace - Some character(s) - whitespase". Examples:...<a href="page7.html">Prew</a> | <a href="page.html9">Next</a>... or...<a href="page7.html">Prew</a> <br /> <a href="page.html9">Next</a>... or...<li><a href="page7.html">Prew</a></li><li><a href="page.html9">Next</a></li>... More information from
- Failed, link element a is too close to next one. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/hakeminen/#etukateistehtavat" title="Ennakko- ja etukäteistehtävät"><strong>Ennakko- ja et
.- Separate links by some element or "whitespace - Some character(s) - whitespase". Examples:...<a href="page7.html">Prew</a> | <a href="page.html9">Next</a>... or...<a href="page7.html">Prew</a> <br /> <a href="page.html9">Next</a>... or...<li><a href="page7.html">Prew</a></li><li><a href="page.html9">Next</a></li>... More information from
- Test result
- Failed
Guideline 11
11.3 - Provide information
(hide test results)- Remark, provide information so that users may receive documents according to their preferences (e.g., language, content type, etc.) More information from
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 13
13.5 - Navigation bars may be used to give access to the navigation mechanism
- Test result
- Passed
13.6 - Title should be used in map when grouping links by map
- Test result
- Passed
13.7 - Different types of searches
(hide test results)- Remark, if search functions are provided, enable different types of searches for different skill levels and preferences. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
13.8 - Information at the beginning
(hide test results)- Remark, place distinguishing information at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
13.10 - Skipping over multi-line ASCII art
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 14
14.2 - Supplement text with presentations.
(hide test results)- Remark, supplement text with graphic or auditory presentations where they will facilitate comprehension of the page.
- Test result
- Passed
14.3 - No style element, no style attributes. (2)
(hide test results)- Warning, style element found. Error was found from
element code:<style type="text/css" title="currentStyle" media="screen"> @import "/css/base.css"; @import "/
.- Please use CSS rather than style element.
- Warning, number of style attributes found: 1. Error was found from
element code:<body onload="javascript:set_fontsize();"> <div id="header"> <h1 class="replace" id="logo_text">
.- Please use CSS rather than style attributes.
- Test result
- Warning
Guideline 3
3.1 - MathML
- Test result
- Passed
3.2 - Formal grammars.
- Test result
- Passed
3.3 - Proper font stylings.
- Test result
- Passed
3.4 - Relative over absolute.
- Test result
- Passed
3.5 - Proper header usage.
- Test result
- Passed
3.6 - Proper List usage.
- Test result
- Passed
3.7 - Proper quote usage.
(hide test results)- Remark, the number of quotation marks found: 16 Error was found from
element code:<body onload="javascript:set_fontsize();"> <div id="header"> <h1 class="replace" id="logo_text">
.- Please consider using <q> and <blockquote> for quotes.
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 5
5.3 - Table is used as layout
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 6
6.1 - Organize documents so they may be read without style sheets
(hide test results)- Remark, 3 deprecated elements were found. Error was found from
element code:<style type="text/css" title="currentStyle" media="screen"> @import "/css/base.css"; @import "/
.- Ensure this document can be read without any styles or style sheets.
- Test result
- Passed
6.2 - Ensure that equivalents for dynamic content are updated when thedynamic content changes (6)
(hide test results)- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/wwwhumakedu.js"></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript" src="
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3557527-1"); pageTracke
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Test result
- Failed
6.3 - Ensure that pages are usable when scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are turned off or not supported
- Test result
- Passed
6.4 - For scripts and applets, ensure that event handlers are input device-independent (2)
(hide test results)- Failed, found device independent event handler. Error was found from
element code:<a onclick="javascript:fontsize(true)">A+<span></span></a>
.- If you use onclick, provide also redundant event handler: onkeypress.
- Failed, found device independent event handler. Error was found from
element code:<a onclick="javascript:fontsize(false)">A-<span></span></a>
.- If you use onclick, provide also redundant event handler: onkeypress.
- Test result
- Failed
6.5 - Ensure that dynamic content is accessible or provide an alternative presentation or page
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 7
7.2 - Blink and marquee usage
- Test result
- Passed
7.3 - Avoid movement in page
(hide test results)- Remark, until user agents allow users to freeze moving content, avoid movement in pages. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
7.4 - Periodically auto-refreshing pages
- Test result
- Passed
7.5 - Autoredirection
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 9
9.2 - Ensuring any element with own interface to be operated in a device-independent manner
- Test result
- Passed
9.3 - Logical event handlers are specified for scripts, rather than device-dependent event handlers
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 10
10.1 - No pop-ups or other windows (4)
(hide test results)- Failed, page opens in new window. Error was found from
element code:<a target="_blank" href="">HumakPro</a>
.- Do not use target="_blank" or target="_new" atributes. It will open a new window that can disorient some users. More information from
- Failed, page opens in new window. Error was found from
element code:<a target="_blank" href="">Sähköposti</a>
.- Do not use target="_blank" or target="_new" atributes. It will open a new window that can disorient some users. More information from
- Failed, page opens in new window. Error was found from
element code:<a target="_blank" href="">HURMA</a>
.- Do not use target="_blank" or target="_new" atributes. It will open a new window that can disorient some users. More information from
- Failed, page opens in new window. Error was found from
element code:<a target="_blank" href="">HUMAKO</a>
.- Do not use target="_blank" or target="_new" atributes. It will open a new window that can disorient some users. More information from
- Test result
- Failed
10.2 - The properly positioned label considering all form controls with implicitly associated labels
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 11
11.1 - Use of W3C technologies
(hide test results)- Remark, use W3C technologies when they are available and appropriate for a task and use the latest versions when supported More information from
- Test result
- Passed
11.2 - Avoid using deprecated features of W3C technologies.
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 12
12.2 - Describe the purpose of frames
(hide test results)- Remark, describe the purpose of frames and how frames relate to each other if it is not obvious by frame titles alone. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
12.3 - Dividing large blocks of information into more manageable groups (4)
(hide test results)- Failed, element is not grouped properly. Error was found from
element code:<li> <a target="_blank" href="http://webmail.humak.ed
.- Li-elements have to group by ul- or ol-element. Dt- and dd-elements have to group by dl-element.
- Failed, element is not grouped properly. Error was found from
element code:<li> <a target="_blank" href=""
.- Li-elements have to group by ul- or ol-element. Dt- and dd-elements have to group by dl-element.
- Failed, element is not grouped properly. Error was found from
element code:<li> <a target="_blank" href="">
.- Li-elements have to group by ul- or ol-element. Dt- and dd-elements have to group by dl-element.
- Failed, element is not grouped properly. Error was found from
element code:<li> <a href="/tyoelamayhteistyo/alumneille/">Alumnit
.- Li-elements have to group by ul- or ol-element. Dt- and dd-elements have to group by dl-element.
- Test result
- Failed
12.4 - Associating labels explicitly with their controls
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 13
13.1 - Target of each link (9)
(hide test results)- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_nuorille/kansalaistoimintajanuorisotyo.html">AMK-tutkinnot
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_nuorille/kansalaistoimintajanuorisotyo.html">AMK-tutkinnot
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_aikuisille/kansalaistoiminta-ja-nuorisotyo.html">AMK-tutkin
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_aikuisille/kansalaistoiminta-ja-nuorisotyo.html">AMK-tutkin
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/ylemmat_amk-tutkinnot/jarjesto-ja-nuorisotyo.html">Ylemmät AMK-tutkinnot<
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/ylemmat_amk-tutkinnot/jarjesto-ja-nuorisotyo.html">Ylemmät AMK-tutkinnot<
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_nuorille/kulttuurituotanto.html">AMK-tutkinnot nuorille</a>
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/amk-tutkinnot_aikuisille/kulttuurituotanto.html">AMK-tutkinnot aikuisille
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="/koulutustarjonta/ylemmat_amk-tutkinnot/kulttuurituotanto.html">Ylemmät AMK-tutkinnot</a>
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Test result
- Warning
13.2 - Metadata should be used to add semantic information to pages and sites
- Test result
- Passed
13.3 - Information about the general layout
(hide test results)- Remark, provide information about the general layout of a site (e.g., a site map or table of contents). More information from
- Test result
- Passed
13.4 - Navigation mechanisms
(hide test results)- Remark, use navigation mechanisms in a consistent manner. More information from
- Test result
- Passed