Foxability - Test results
Test results
Test results
Test subject:
Statistics for the evaluated page
Total tests: 64
Tests | Percent | Total | Percent | |
Total passed: | 47 | 73.44% | 47 | 16.15% |
-Passed with remarks: | 20 | 31.25% | 27 | 9.28% |
Failed: | 10 | 15.63% | 193 | 66.32% |
Warnings: | 7 | 10.94% | 24 | 8.25% |
Total: | 64 | 100.00% | 291 | 100.00% |
Guideline 1
1.1 - Elements have text equivalents. (11)
(hide test results)- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="fileadmin/template/main/2006/incl/scripts.
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="fileadmin/template/main/2006/incl/hover.js
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function f_clientWidth() { return f_filterResults (
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+"
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ <!-- browserName = navigator.appName; browserVe
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, alt attribute not found. Error was found from
element code:<img src="/fileadmin/template/main/2006/images/arcadaLogo_print.gif" id="print_logo">
.- Please insert an alt attribute. For example: alt="Some fava beans and a nice chianti."
- Failed, alt attribute not found. Error was found from
element code:<img src="/fileadmin/template/main/2006/images/icons/sitemap.gif" id="sitemap">
.- Please insert an alt attribute. For example: alt="Some fava beans and a nice chianti."
- Failed, alt attribute not found. Error was found from
element code:<img src="fileadmin/user_upload/sv_ga_2008.png" border="0">
.- Please insert an alt attribute. For example: alt="Some fava beans and a nice chianti."
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-2620026-1"); pageTracker._ini
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Test result
- Failed
1.2 - A serverside Image map without an alternative textlink
- Test result
- Passed
1.3 - Auditory descriptions for visual tracks.
(hide test results)- Remark, until user agents can automatically read aloud the text equivalent of a visual track, provide an auditory description of the important information of the visual track of a multimedia presentation.
- Test result
- Passed
1.4 - Equivalent alternatives for time based multimedia.
(hide test results)- Remark, for any time-based multimedia presentation (e.g., a movie or animation), synchronize equivalent alternatives (e.g., captions or auditory descriptions of the visual track) with the presentation.
- Test result
- Passed
1.5 - Client-side image map links need to have text equivalents
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 2
2.1 - Information is conveyed even without colors.
(hide test results)- Remark, ensure that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup.
- Test result
- Passed
2.2 - Colors are visible. (51)
(hide test results)- Failed, the color difference of rgb(102, 102, 102) and rgb(236, 233, 216) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<input name="sa" value="Sök" type="submit">
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=sokande0&MP=7-1809">Ansökan 2008</a>
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=gemensamanskan&MP=7-1809" title="Gemensam ansökan 25.3-11.4.2008" onfocus=
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1084&MP=7-1809" title="Ansökan till Degree Programmes 14.1-15.2" onfocus="
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1083&MP=7-1809" title="Ansökan till högre yh-examen 14.4 - 2.5" onfocus="b
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1743&MP=7-1809" title="Ãverflyttare" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Ãverflyttar
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=20&MP=7-1809" title="Ãppna yrkeshögskolan" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Ãppna
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2756">Studiehandboken</a>
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1062&MP=1062-1810">Studenter</a>
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2733&MP=1062-1810" title="Studiehandboken" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Studi
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1452&MP=1062-1810" title="Utbildningsprogram" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Ut
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=910&MP=1062-1810" title="Studier" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Studier</a>
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1268&MP=1062-1810" title="E-tjänster" onfocus="blurLink(this);">E-tjänster
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2&MP=1062-1810" title="IT-helpdesk" onfocus="blurLink(this);">IT-helpdesk<
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=906&MP=1062-1810" title="Studiebyrån" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Studiebyrå
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=arbetsforum&MP=1062-1810" title="Arbetsforum" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Ar
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=16&MP=1062-1810" title="Internationella byrån" onfocus="blurLink(this);">I
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=973&MP=1062-1810" title="Hälsa & välmående" onfocus="blurLink(this);">
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2511&MP=1062-1810%2C2511-975" title="Infobladet" onfocus="blurLink(this);"
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1390&MP=1062-1810" title="Studerandekåren ASK" onfocus="blurLink(this);">S
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=alumni0&MP=649-1811">Alumner</a>
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1225&MP=1225-1813">Näringsliv och samhälle</a>
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2488&MP=1225-1813" title="Arbetsforum" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Arbetsfor
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=press0&MP=980-1814">Press</a>
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2824&MP=980-1814" title="Seminaari âImages and Communitiesâ Arcadassa 4. h
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2823&MP=980-1814" title="Seminarium om "Images and Communities"
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2807&MP=980-1814" title="Planer på svenskspråkig högskoleallians i Helsing
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2768&MP=980-1814" title="Arabiastranden på bokmässan 15.10.07" onfocus="bl
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2745&MP=980-1814" title="Inskriptionen 3.9.2007: Globalisering och konkurr
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2673&MP=980-1814" title="DINA HOST CITY â 60 timmar sändning frÃ¥n schlager
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2651&MP=980-1814" title="Klaus Härö får årets Mauritz Stiller-pris" onfocu
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2383&MP=980-1814" title="Pressmeddelande 27.11.2006" onfocus="blurLink(thi
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2376&MP=980-1814" title="Pressmeddelande 24.11.2006" onfocus="blurLink(thi
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2368&MP=980-1814" title="Pressmeddelande 17.11.2006" onfocus="blurLink(thi
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1450&MP=980-1814" title="Pressmeddelande 4.9.2006" onfocus="blurLink(this)
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1188&MP=980-1814" title="Pressmeddelande 31.5.2006" onfocus="blurLink(this
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1159&MP=980-1814" title="Pressmeddelande 20.4.2006" onfocus="blurLink(this
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1106&MP=980-1814" title="Pressmeddelande 8.3.2006" onfocus="blurLink(this)
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1088&MP=980-1814" title="Pressmeddelande 24.2.2006" onfocus="blurLink(this
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=personal&MP=981-1816">Personal</a>
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2734&MP=981-1816" title="Studiehandboken" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Studie
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2002&MP=981-1816" title="Personalrelaterat" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Pers
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1191&MP=981-1816%2C1191-2693" title="Rektorsbeslut" onfocus="blurLink(this
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=12&MP=981-1816%2C12-2020" title="Kalendarium" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Ka
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2676&MP=981-1816" title="Utbildningar" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Utbildnin
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2007&MP=981-1816" title="E-tjänster" onfocus="blurLink(this);">E-tjänster<
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2&MP=981-1816%2C2-1286" title="IT-helpdesk" onfocus="blurLink(this);">IT-h
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1494&MP=981-1816" title="Arbetarskydd och arbetsförmåga" onfocus="blurLink
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=16&MP=981-1816%2C16-1271" title="Internationella byrån" onfocus="blurLink(
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2511&MP=981-1816%2C2511-1269" title="Infobladet" onfocus="blurLink(this);"
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Failed, the color difference of rgb(152, 0, 45) and rgb(255, 249, 223) is too low. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1438&MP=981-1816" title="Uppdateringsverktyg" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Up
.- Change the colors so that they have higher color difference.
- Test result
- Failed
Guideline 3
3.1 - MathML
- Test result
- Passed
3.2 - Formal grammars.
- Test result
- Passed
3.3 - Proper font stylings.
- Test result
- Passed
3.4 - Relative over absolute. (117)
(hide test results)- Failed, absolute size definition found. #container:"border-width: 0pt 4px 4px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #container:"width: 752px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #mainnav:"padding: 6px 0pt 0pt 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #mainnav:"width: 742px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #mainnav:"height: 21px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #mainnav a:"margin: 0pt 10px 4px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #mainnav a:"line-height: 18px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #header:"height: 271px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .frontpage #header:"height: 249px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#bread:"height: 20px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#bread:"margin-top: 60px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#bread:"padding-left: 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#bread li:"padding-left: 8px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed,
absolute size definition found. ul#bread li.firstchild a:"background:
transparent url(../images/home_anim.png) no-repeat scroll 0pt -14px".
Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#bread li.firstchild a:"width: 14px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#bread li.firstchild a:"height: 14px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#bread li.firstchild a:"text-indent: -9999px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #footer:"border-top: 4px solid white". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #footer:"padding: 0pt 188px 0pt 0pt". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #footer:"height: 38px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #maincontent:"margin: 0pt 0pt 5px 190px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #maincontent:"padding: 12px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .twocol #maincontent:"width: 538px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .threecol #maincontent:"width: 348px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .threecol #maincontent:"margin-right: 190px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #navcolumn:"border-right: 4px solid white". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #navcolumn:"width: 185px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar:"border-left: 4px solid white". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar:"width: 185px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar h2:"border-top: 4px solid rgb(0, 82, 155)". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar h2:"padding: 4px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar p:"padding: 4px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul.rightul:"margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 15px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .rightul ul:"margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 15px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. li.rightul:"margin: 4px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .rightul li:"margin: 4px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #masthead:"border-top: 4px solid white". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #masthead:"top: 60px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #masthead:"height: 185px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #masthead h1:"padding: 100px 0pt 0pt". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus:"width: 752px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus div:"border-right: 4px solid white". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus div:"width: 185px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus div:"height: 177px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus h1:"font-size: 13px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus h1 a:"font-size: 13px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#nav:"border-top: 4px solid rgb(255, 204, 51)". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#nav:"width: 185px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #nav ul:"border-top: 4px solid rgb(255, 204, 51)". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #nav ul:"width: 185px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #nav li ul:"left: 184px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#nav li a:"padding: 3px 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #nav ul li a:"padding: 3px 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #nav li ul li a:"padding: 2px 5px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus h1:"border-bottom: 4px solid rgb(255, 255, 255)". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus h1:"padding: 5px 5px 0pt". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #specialmenus h1:"height: 20px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .urlbox h3:"border-bottom: 4px solid rgb(255, 255, 255)". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .urlbox h3:"padding: 5px 5px 0pt". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .urlbox h3:"height: 20px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar h1:"border-bottom: 4px solid rgb(255, 255, 255)". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar h1:"padding: 5px 5px 0pt". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar h1:"height: 20px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #navcolumn h1:"padding: 5px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#navright:"width: 190px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #navright ul:"width: 190px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#navright li:"margin-left: 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. ul#navright li a:"padding: 3px 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #navright ul li a:"padding: 3px 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #utbildnpr select:"margin-top: 115px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #utbildnpr select:"width: 180px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #fortbildn select:"margin-top: 115px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #fortbildn select:"width: 180px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #campus select:"margin-top: 115px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #campus select:"width: 180px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #arbetsliv select:"margin-top: 115px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #arbetsliv select:"width: 180px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #webmail:"text-indent: 35px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #webmail:"height: 17px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #footer a#arcadalink:"text-indent: -9999px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #footer a#arcadalink:"left: -110px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #footer a#arcadalink:"top: 25px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #footer a#arcadalink:"height: 38px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #footer a#arcadalink:"width: 110px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .project #footer p:"left: 110px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .project #footer p:"top: -38px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .project #header:"height: 60px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .searchbox:"margin-top: 37px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .searchbox:"margin-right: 4px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. img#sitemap:"margin: 37px 4px 2px 0pt". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .notis:"width: 200px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar #closethis:"margin-right: 5px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #sidebar #closethis:"margin-top: 5px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #telefonkat td.namn:"width: 200px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. table#kalendarium td.datum:"padding-right: 20px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. table#kalendarium td.tid:"padding-right: 20px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .news-latest-item h3:"font-size: 13px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/introNews.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .news-list-item h3:"font-size: 13px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/introNews.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .news-single-timedata:"font-size: 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/introNews.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .news-list-date:"font-size: 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/introNews.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .news-latest-date a:"font-size: 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/introNews.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. table#kursutbud td:"padding: 5px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. td.kurskod:"width: 80px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. td.studar:"width: 80px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #rumsbokning.kursinfo:"padding-top: 5px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .kurstid:"line-height: 6px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. img#flagga:"width: 25px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. img#flagga:"height: 15px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. table.larplan:"margin: 5px 5px 15px 10px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. .larplan .ar:"width: 20px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #larplan_info:"width: 200px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #larplan_vinfo:"padding: 5px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #larplan_vinfo:"width: 300px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #larplan_vinfo:"margin-bottom: 5px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. #print_logo:"margin-bottom: 20px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/printing.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="p
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. h1:"font-size: 16px". Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/printing.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="p
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Failed, absolute size definition found. a:"padding-left: 4px". Error was found from
element code:<a href="" border="0" style="padding-l
.- Use relative size definitions. Relative size definitions are: em, ex and %. For example: "margin-left: 2%"
- Test result
- Failed
3.5 - Proper header usage.
(hide test results)- Warning, <h1> found 6 times. Error was found from
element code:<h1><a href="index.php?id=1225">Arbetsliv</a></h1>
.- Please consider using <h1> only once per page.
- Test result
- Warning
3.6 - Proper List usage.
(hide test results)- Failed, a list without list items found. Error was found from
element code:<ul id="bread"></ul>
.- List element <ul> should contain at least one list item <li>.
- Test result
- Failed
3.7 - Proper quote usage.
(hide test results)- Remark, the number of quotation marks found: 18 Error was found from
element code:<body class="threecol frontpage"> <div id="container"><!--###container### begin --> <!-- Logo som s
.- Please consider using <q> and <blockquote> for quotes.
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 4
4.1 - Language changes are identified.
(hide test results)- Remark, if multiple languages are used in the document, clearly identify changes in the natural language of the document's text.
- Use the "lang" or "xml:lang" attribute to identify any changes in language. For example: Galileo said quietly: <q lang="it">Eppur si muove</q>
- Test result
- Passed
4.2 - Acronyms and abbreviations. (5)
(hide test results)- Warning, potential abbreviation found: ASK. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1390&MP=1062-1810" title="Studerandekåren ASK" onfocus="blurLink(this);">S
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: DINA. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2673&MP=980-1814" title="DINA HOST CITY â 60 timmar sändning frÃ¥n schlager
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: HOST. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2673&MP=980-1814" title="DINA HOST CITY â 60 timmar sändning frÃ¥n schlager
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: CITY. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2673&MP=980-1814" title="DINA HOST CITY â 60 timmar sändning frÃ¥n schlager
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Warning, potential abbreviation found: COR. Error was found from
element code:<option value="index.php?id=725">COR-huset</option>
.- Please enter a definition for the abbreviation. For example: <abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
- Test result
- Warning
4.3 - Primary language.
(hide test results)- Failed, no xml:lang attribute found. Error was found from
element code:<html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><!-- This
.- Insert xml:lang attribute to specify language used. For example: <html xml:lang="fi">
- Test result
- Failed
Guideline 5
5.1 - Table used properly
- Test result
- Passed
5.2 - Associate data cells and header cells
(hide test results)- Remark, for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers, use markup to associate data cells and header cells. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
5.3 - Table is used as layout
- Test result
- Passed
5.5 - Summary, caption and title in table
- Test result
- Passed
5.6 - Abbr used in long table headers names
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 6
6.1 - Organize documents so they may be read without style sheets
(hide test results)- Remark, 7 deprecated elements were found. Error was found from
element code:<style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ <!-- /* default styles for extension "tx_dropdownsitemap_p
.- Ensure this document can be read without any styles or style sheets.
- Test result
- Passed
6.2 - Ensure that equivalents for dynamic content are updated when thedynamic content changes (8)
(hide test results)- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="fileadmin/template/main/2006/incl/scripts.
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="fileadmin/template/main/2006/incl/hover.js
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function f_clientWidth() { return f_filterResults (
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+"
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ <!-- browserName = navigator.appName; browserVe
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Failed, <noscript> after <script> not found. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-2620026-1"); pageTracker._ini
.- Insert <noscript> after <script>. For example: <script>...</script><noscript>A graph about oil price.</noscript>
- Test result
- Failed
6.3 - Ensure that pages are usable when scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are turned off or not supported
- Test result
- Passed
6.4 - For scripts and applets, ensure that event handlers are input device-independent
- Test result
- Passed
6.5 - Ensure that dynamic content is accessible or provide an alternative presentation or page
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 7
7.1 - Avoid causing the screen to flicker
(hide test results)- Remark, until user agents allow users to control flickering, avoid causing the screen to flicker. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
7.2 - Blink and marquee usage
- Test result
- Passed
7.3 - Avoid movement in page
(hide test results)- Remark, until user agents allow users to freeze moving content, avoid movement in pages. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
7.4 - Periodically auto-refreshing pages
- Test result
- Passed
7.5 - Autoredirection
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 8
8.1 - Programmatic elements such as scripts and applets must/should be directly accessible or compatible with assistive technologies (8)
(hide test results)- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="fileadmin/template/main/2006/incl/scripts.
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="fileadmin/template/main/2006/incl/hover.js
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function f_clientWidth() { return f_filterResults (
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+"
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ <!-- browserName = navigator.appName; browserVe
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Remark,
this element may not be accessible to all users. Please ensure there is
an accessible interface to this object. Error was found from
element code:<script type="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-2620026-1"); pageTracker._ini
.- Ensure that scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are directly accessible. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 9
9.1 - Client-side versus server-side image maps
- Test result
- Passed
9.2 - Ensuring any element with own interface to be operated in a device-independent manner
- Test result
- Passed
9.3 - Logical event handlers are specified for scripts, rather than device-dependent event handlers
- Test result
- Passed
9.4 - Creating a logical tab order through links, form controls and objects
- Test result
- Passed
9.5 - Keyboard shortcuts (3)
(hide test results)- Warning, if page has less than ten inputs, then accesskey should be defined for every input. Error was found from
element code:<input name="cx" value="001814763409862689748:yzl0h1iqw7m" type="hidden">
.- Accesskey can be defined for label of input or stright to input. Best ways (example): <label for="name" accesskey="N">Name</label><input id="name" type="text" /> or <input type="button" accesskey="B" /> More information from
- Warning, if page has less than ten inputs, then accesskey should be defined for every input. Error was found from
element code:<input name="cof" value="FORID:11" type="hidden">
.- Accesskey can be defined for label of input or stright to input. Best ways (example): <label for="name" accesskey="N">Name</label><input id="name" type="text" /> or <input type="button" accesskey="B" /> More information from
- Warning, accesskey should be used for inputs whose type is submit, button or reset. Error was found from
element code:<input name="sa" value="Sök" type="submit">
.- Accesskey can be defined for label of input or stright to input. Best ways (example): <label for="name" accesskey="N">Name</label><input id="name" type="text" /> or <input type="button" accesskey="B" /> More information from
- Test result
- Warning
Guideline 10
10.1 - No pop-ups or other windows
(hide test results)- Failed, page opens in new window. Error was found from
element code:<a href="" target="_blank" class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated">
.- Do not use target="_blank" or target="_new" atributes. It will open a new window that can disorient some users. More information from
- Test result
- Failed
10.2 - The properly positioned label considering all form controls with implicitly associated labels
(hide test results)- Failed, wrong label usage. Error was found from
element code:<input style="border: 1px solid rgb(126, 157, 185); padding: 2px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255) url
.- Use label right before or after input and use for - id relationship or parentship.More information from
- Test result
- Failed
10.3 - Verify that a linearized version of tables used for layout is provided
- Test result
- Passed
10.4 - Including default, place-holding characters in edit boxes and text areas (empty controls)
(hide test results)- Failed, no default text. Error was found from
element code:<input style="border: 1px solid rgb(126, 157, 185); padding: 2px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255) url
.- Add default text. Example: <input type="text" value="Write here" /> More information from
- Test result
- Failed
10.5 - Non-link, printable characters
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 11
11.1 - Use of W3C technologies
(hide test results)- Remark, use W3C technologies when they are available and appropriate for a task and use the latest versions when supported More information from
- Test result
- Passed
11.2 - Avoid using deprecated features of W3C technologies.
- Test result
- Passed
11.3 - Provide information
(hide test results)- Remark, provide information so that users may receive documents according to their preferences (e.g., language, content type, etc.) More information from
- Test result
- Passed
11.4 - Accessible page
(hide test results)- Remark, if, after best efforts, you cannot create an accessible page, provide a link to an alternative page that is accessible, has equivalent information, and is updated as often as the inaccessible page. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 12
12.1 - Providing a frame title
- Test result
- Passed
12.2 - Describe the purpose of frames
(hide test results)- Remark, describe the purpose of frames and how frames relate to each other if it is not obvious by frame titles alone. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
12.3 - Dividing large blocks of information into more manageable groups (2)
(hide test results)- Warning, <h1> found 6 times. Error was found from
element code:<h1><a href="index.php?id=1225">Arbetsliv</a></h1>
.- Please consider using <h1> only once per page.
- Warning, there is too many (NaN or more) option in select that are not grouped. Error was found from
element code:<select name="select" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <option value="#" selected="selected
.- Group option-elements by optgroup-element to logic and semantic groups that are easy to understand.
- Test result
- Warning
12.4 - Associating labels explicitly with their controls
(hide test results)- Failed, input does not have label. Error was found from
element code:<input style="border: 1px solid rgb(126, 157, 185); padding: 2px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255) url
.- Use label right before or after input and use for - id relationship or parentship.
- Test result
- Failed
Guideline 13
13.1 - Target of each link (6)
(hide test results)- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2733&MP=1062-1810" title="Studiehandboken" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Studi
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=1268&MP=1062-1810" title="E-tjänster" onfocus="blurLink(this);">E-tjänster
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2&MP=1062-1810" title="IT-helpdesk" onfocus="blurLink(this);">IT-helpdesk<
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=arbetsforum&MP=1062-1810" title="Arbetsforum" onfocus="blurLink(this);">Ar
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=16&MP=1062-1810" title="Internationella byrån" onfocus="blurLink(this);">I
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Warning, found two identical name and title for two different links. Error was found from
element code:<a href="index.php?id=2511&MP=1062-1810%2C2511-975" title="Infobladet" onfocus="blurLink(this);"
.- Use unique and meaningfull name and title for different links.
- Test result
- Warning
13.2 - Metadata should be used to add semantic information to pages and sites
- Test result
- Passed
13.3 - Information about the general layout
(hide test results)- Remark, provide information about the general layout of a site (e.g., a site map or table of contents). More information from
- Test result
- Passed
13.4 - Navigation mechanisms
(hide test results)- Remark, use navigation mechanisms in a consistent manner. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
13.5 - Navigation bars may be used to give access to the navigation mechanism
- Test result
- Passed
13.6 - Title should be used in map when grouping links by map
- Test result
- Passed
13.7 - Different types of searches
(hide test results)- Remark, if search functions are provided, enable different types of searches for different skill levels and preferences. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
13.8 - Information at the beginning
(hide test results)- Remark, place distinguishing information at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. More information from
- Test result
- Passed
13.9 - Working links (5)
(hide test results)- Warning, no title in link. Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Add title for link.
- Warning, no title in link. Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/introNews.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Add title for link.
- Warning, no title in link. Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/kursbeskrivning.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
.- Add title for link.
- Warning, no title in link. Error was found from
element code:<link href="fileadmin/template/main/2006/css/printing.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="p
.- Add title for link.
- Warning, no title in link. Error was found from
element code:<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">
.- Add title for link.
- Test result
- Warning
13.10 - Skipping over multi-line ASCII art
- Test result
- Passed
Guideline 14
14.1 - Clear and simple language.
(hide test results)- Remark, use the clearest and simplest language appropriate for a site's content.
- Test result
- Passed
14.2 - Supplement text with presentations.
(hide test results)- Remark, supplement text with graphic or auditory presentations where they will facilitate comprehension of the page.
- Test result
- Passed
14.3 - No style element, no style attributes. (2)
(hide test results)- Warning, style element found. Error was found from
element code:<style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ <!-- /* default styles for extension "tx_dropdownsitemap_p
.- Please use CSS rather than style element.
- Warning, number of style attributes found: 2. Error was found from
element code:<body class="threecol frontpage"> <div id="container"><!--###container### begin --> <!-- Logo som s
.- Please use CSS rather than style attributes.
- Test result
- Warning