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<h1>Web Page Speed Report</h1>

<table class="t" border="1">
<tr><th>Title:</th><td>Turun kauppakorkeakoulu</td></tr>
<tr><th>Date:</th><td>Report run on Mon May 26 05:19:31CDT2008
<h3>Global Statistics</h3>
<table class="t" border="1">
<tbody><tr align="left"><td>Total HTTP Requests:</td><td>16</td></tr>
<tr align="left"><td>Total Size:</td><td>697004 bytes</td></tr>
<!-- START OBJECT SIZE TOTALS ------------------------------------------------>
<h3>Object Size Totals</h3>
<table class="t" border="1">
	<tbody><tr><th>Object type</th><th>Size (bytes)</th><th>Download @ 56K (seconds)</th><th>Download @ T1 (seconds)</th></tr>
            <td>HTML Images:</td><td>29631</td>
        <td> 6.71</td>
        <td> 0.96</td>
            <td>CSS Images:</td><td>0        </td><td> 0.00</td>
        <td> 0.00</td>
        <td>Total Images:</td><td>29631</td>

<!-- ENDOF OBJECT SIZE TOTALS ------------------------------------------------>

<!-- START EXTERNAL OBJECTS ------------------------------------------------>
<h3>External Objects</h3>
<table class="t" border="1">
<tbody><tr><th>External Object</th><th>QTY</th></tr>
		<td>Total HTML:</td><td>1</td>
<!-- External Objects: HTML Images -->
		<td>Total HTML Images:</td><td>4</td>

<!-- External Objects: CSS Images -->
		<td>Total CSS Images:</td><td>0</td>

<!-- External Objects: TOTAL Images -->
		<td>Total Images:</td><td>4</td>

<!-- External Objects: Total Javascripts-->
		<td>Total Scripts:</td><td>5</td>

<!-- External Objects: CSS files-->
		<td>Total CSS imports:</td><td>6</td>

<!-- External Objects: Frame Count-->
	<tr><td>Total Frames:</td><td>0</td></tr>

<!-- External Objects: iFrame Count-->
	<tr><td>Total Iframes:</td><td>0</td></tr>


<!-- ENDOF EXTERNAL OBJECTS ------------------------------------------------>

<h3>Download Times*</h3>
 <table class="t" border="1">
  <tbody><tr><th>Connection Rate</th><th>Download Time</th></tr>
    <td>543.41 seconds</td>
    <td>273.31 seconds</td>
    <td>234.72 seconds</td>
    <td>142.11 seconds</td>

    <td>ISDN 128K</td>
    <td>45.74 seconds</td>
    <td>T1 1.44Mbps</td>
    <td>6.89 seconds</td>

<p>*Note that these download times are based on the full connection
rate for ISDN and T1 connections. Modem connections (56Kbps or less)
are corrected by a packet loss factor of 0.7. All download times
include delays due to round-trip latency with an average of 0.2 seconds
per object. With 16 total objects for this page, that computes to a
total lag time due to latency of 3.2 seconds. Note also that this
download time calculation does not take into account delays due to
XHTML parsing and rendering.</p>

<h3>Page Objects</h3>
<table class="t" border="1">
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">263211			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">SCRIPT			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">84019			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">SCRIPT			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=";ampt=633156035840224136">;ampt=633156035840224136</a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">82720			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">CSS			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">68424			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">SCRIPT			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">68250			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">SCRIPT			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">67201			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">SCRIPT			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">14516			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">IMG			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">12031			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">CSS			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">6946			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">CSS			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">6256			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">HTML			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">5601			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">CSS			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">5410			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">IMG			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">5253			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">IMG			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">4452			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">IMG			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">2543			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">CSS*			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1785			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">CSS			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">1			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">929			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">CSS			</td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<a href=""></a>
		<td nowrap="nowrap">16 ^
		<td nowrap="nowrap">697004*
		<td>Total (^unique objects)</td>

	<p># Congratulations. This site is using HTTP
compression, otherwise called content encoding using gzip. The sizes
reported here are for compressed content sent from the server to the

<p>* CSS alternate stylesheets may be referenced in the HTML but are
not actually downloaded until they are needed and are therefore not
included in the total page size.</p>

<h2>Analysis and Recommendations</h2>
<li> <span class="congratsback">TOTAL_HTML</span> - <span class="congrats">Congratulations</span>, the total number of HTML files on this page 
				(including the main HTML file) is 1 which most browsers can 
				multithread. Minimizing HTTP requests is key for web site 
				optimization. </li><li> <span class="warningback">TOTAL_OBJECTS</span> - <span class="warning">Warning!</span>  The total number of objects on this 
				page is 16  - consider reducing this to a more 
				reasonable number. Combine, refine, and optimize your external 
				objects. Replace graphic rollovers with CSS rollovers to speed 
				display and minimize HTTP requests. </li><li> <span class="congratsback">TOTAL_IMAGES</span> - <span class="congrats">Congratulations</span>, the total number of images on 
				this page is 4 . Most browsers can send multiple 
				requests, which can speed display of multiple images. </li><li> <span class="cautionback">TOTAL_CSS</span> - <span class="caution">Caution.</span> The total number of external CSS files on 
		this page is 6 , consider reducing this to a more 
		reasonable number. Combine, refine, and optimize your external CSS 
		files. Ideally you should have one (or even embed CSS for 
		high-traffic pages) on your pages. </li><li> <span class="warningback">TOTAL_SIZE</span> - <span class="warning">Warning!</span> The total size of this page is 
		697004  bytes, which will load in  142.11  seconds 
		on a 56Kbps modem.  Consider reducing total page size to less than 
		30K to achieve sub eight second response times on 56K connections. 
		Pages over 100K exceed most attention thresholds at 56Kbps, even with 
		feedback. Consider <a href="">contacting us</a> about our optimization services. </li><li> <span class="cautionback">TOTAL_SCRIPT</span> - <span class="caution">Caution.</span> The total number of external script 
		files on this page is 5 , consider reducing this to one 
		or two. Combine, refine, and optimize your external script files. 
		Ideally you should have one (or even embed scripts for high-traffic 
		pages) on your pages. </li><li> <span class="congratsback">HTML_SIZE</span> - <span class="congrats">Congratulations</span>, the total size of this HTML file 
		is 6256  bytes, which less than 20K. Assuming that you specify 
		the HEIGHT and WIDTH of your images, this size allows your page to 
		display content in well under 8 seconds, the average time users are 
		willing to wait for a page to display without feedback. </li><li> <span class="cautionback">IMAGES_SIZE</span> - <span class="caution">Caution.</span> The total size of all your images is 
		29631  bytes, which exceeds 15K. Consider optimizing and 
		creatively cropping your images, and combining them where 
		appropriate. Even better, replace graphic text and form controls with 
		styled text to eliminate unnecessary HTTP requests. Ideally each 
		image should be less than 1160 bytes, to easily fit into one TCP-IP 
		packet. </li><li> <span class="warningback">SCRIPT_SIZE</span> - <span class="warning">Warning!</span> The total size of external your scripts is 
		551105  bytes, which is over 8K. Consider optimizing your 
		scripts for size, combining them, and using compression where 
		appropriate for any scripts placed in the HEAD of your documents. </li><li> <span class="warningback">CSS_SIZE</span> - <span class="warning">Warning!</span> The total size of your external CSS is 
		110012  bytes, which is over 8K. Consider optimizing your CSS for 
		size by eliminating whitespace, using shorthand notation, and 
		combining multiple CSS files where appropriate. </li><li> <span class="congratsback">MULTIM_SIZE</span> - <span class="congrats">Congratulations</span>, the total size of all your 
		external multimedia files is 0  bytes, which is less than 
		4K. </li></ul>
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<p>Copyright � 2002-2005 <a href="">Web Site Optimization</a>, LLC</p>
