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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US"><head><title>W3C mobileOK Checker [BETA]</title>
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import "http://validator.w3.org/style/base.css";
@import "http://validator.w3.org/style/results.css";
#error_results { padding:1em;}
h2.valid, h2.invalid { padding:1em; margin:1em;}
#frontforms { margin-bottom:1em;}
#tagline { font-weight:bold;font-size:1em;}
h3.pass { padding:1em; margin:1em; color: #55B05A; }
h3.warn { padding:1em; margin:1em; color: #55B05A; }
ol#passed { margin-left: 0 !important; margin-right: 0 !important; }
ol#passed { padding:0; border-top: 1px solid #EAEBEE; }
ol#passed li ul li, ol#warnings p { line-height: 135%; margin-bottom: .65em; }
.notabene { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
<div id="banner">
<h1 id="title">
<a href="http://www.w3.org/"><img alt="W3C" id="logo" src="mobile_files/w3c.png" height="61" width="110"></a> <span>W3C mobileOK Basic Checker [Beta]</span>
<p id="tagline">Make your Web site mobile-friendly!</p>
<div id="results_container">
<p class="notabene">
Note that this service is very experimental:
it is based on a <a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2007/mobileok-ref/">beta-released library</a>,
and based on a non-yet stabilized version of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobileOK-basic10-tests/">W3C mobileOK Basic</a>.
Please <a href="http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/Checker/#involved">get involved</a> to help improve this service!
<p>Evaluating <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a> with mobileOK Basic gives the following results:</p>
<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:moki="http://www.w3.org/2007/05/moki" id="results">
<h2 class="invalid">
This page is <strong>not</strong> mobileOK Basic!
<div id="summary">
<div id="summary_tests">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
Tests failed: <strong>10</strong> / 25</li>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Info" src="mobile_files/info.png" title="Info">
Tests passed: <strong>15</strong> / 25</li>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning.png" title="Warning">
Warnings: 54</li>
<div id="summary_page">
<div id="result">
<h3>Tests failed</h3>
<ol id="error_loop">
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span class="msg">CACHING</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#CACHING">CACHING</a>]
Provide caching information in HTTP responses.</p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> The document is served without caching information ("Expires" or "Cache-Control" header)</span>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<div class="ve">
<em>Related best practices:</em>
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#CHARACTER_ENCODING_SUPPORT">CHARACTER_ENCODING_SUPPORT</a>]
Ensure that content is encoded using a character encoding that is known to be
supported by the device. <br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#CHARACTER_ENCODING_USE">CHARACTER_ENCODING_USE</a>]
Indicate in the response the character encoding being used. </p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The HTTP Content-Type header does not specify a character encoding and
no UTF-8 encoding or a non-UTF-8 is specified in the XML declaration</span>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> This resource is served as "text/css" but does not specify UTF-8 as character encoding (no charset parameter)</span>
<em>HTTP Header <code>Content-Type</code> of <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span class="msg">CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT and VALID_MARKUP</span>
<div class="ve">
<em>Related best practices:</em>
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT">CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT</a>]
Send content in a format that is known to be supported by the device. <br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#VALID_MARKUP">VALID_MARKUP</a>]
Create documents that validate to published formal grammars. </p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document is an HTML document and it fails to validate according to
its given DOCTYPE: Attribute "type" is required and must be specified
for element type "style".</span>
<em>Line 33
, Column 8
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document is an HTML document and it fails to validate according to
its given DOCTYPE: The content of element type "img" must match
"EMPTY". Children of type "comment" are not allowed.</span>
<em>Line 52
, Column 123
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document is an HTML document and it fails to validate according to
its given DOCTYPE: The element type "img" must be terminated by the
matching end-tag "</img>".</span>
<em>Line 54
, Column 3
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document is an HTML document and it fails to validate according to
its given DOCTYPE: The element type "img" must be terminated by the
matching end-tag "</img>".</span>
<em>Line 54
, Column 3
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD nor MP
1.2: Attribute "type" is required and must be specified for element
type "style".</span>
<em>Line 33
, Column 8
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD nor MP
1.2: The content of element type "img" must match "EMPTY". Children of
type "comment" are not allowed.</span>
<em>Line 52
, Column 123
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD nor MP
1.2: The element type "img" must be terminated by the matching end-tag
<em>Line 54
, Column 3
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD nor MP
1.2: Attribute "type" is required and must be specified for element
type "style".</span>
<em>Line 33
, Column 8
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD nor MP
1.2: The content of element type "img" must match "EMPTY". Children of
type "comment" are not allowed.</span>
<em>Line 52
, Column 123
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD nor MP
1.2: The element type "img" must be terminated by the matching end-tag
<em>Line 54
, Column 3
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD nor MP
1.2: The element type "img" must be terminated by the matching end-tag
<em>Line 54
, Column 3
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The HTTP status code is 404 or 5xx (in response to the resource
http://www.tkk.fi/images/logo-bw.gif) and the response relates to a
request for an included resource </span>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> The embedded image or object is not of type image/gif or image/jpeg (text/html)</span>
<a href="http://www.tkk.fi/images/logo-bw.gif">http://www.tkk.fi/images/logo-bw.gif</a>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The the HTTP status represents failure (4xx), other than 404 or a
request for authentication (e.g. 401), (in response to the resource
http://www.tkk.fi/en/faculty_staff/index.html) </span>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The the HTTP status represents failure (4xx), other than 404 or a
request for authentication (e.g. 401), (in response to the resource
http://www.tkk.fi/fi/henkilokunnalle/index.html) </span>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The HTTP status code is 404 or 5xx (in response to the resource
http://www.tkk.fi/images/logo-bw.gif) and the response relates to a
request for an included resource </span>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The document is served as "text/html" instead of the recommended "application/xhtml+xml"</span>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
The HTTP status code is 404 or 5xx (in response to the resource
and the response relates to a request for a linked resource </span>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span class="msg">EXTERNAL_RESOURCES</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#EXTERNAL_RESOURCES">EXTERNAL_RESOURCES</a>]
Keep the number of externally linked resources to a minimum.</p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The HTTP status code is 404 or 5xx (in response to the resource
http://www.tkk.fi/images/logo-bw.gif) and the response relates to a
request for an included resource </span>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span class="msg">GRAPHICS_FOR_SPACING</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#GRAPHICS_FOR_SPACING">GRAPHICS_FOR_SPACING</a>]
Do not use graphics for spacing. </p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The HTTP status code is 404 or 5xx (in response to the resource
http://www.tkk.fi/images/logo-bw.gif) and the response relates to a
request for an included resource </span>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span class="msg">IMAGES_RESIZING and IMAGES_SPECIFY_SIZE</span>
<div class="ve">
<em>Related best practices:</em>
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#IMAGES_RESIZING">IMAGES_RESIZING</a>]
Resize images at the server, if they have an intrinsic size. <br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#IMAGES_SPECIFY_SIZE">IMAGES_SPECIFY_SIZE</a>]
Specify the size of images in markup, if they have an intrinsic size. </p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> the height or width specified is less than the correseponding dimension of the image</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <img alt="" height="1" src="etusivu.gif" style="display: none;" width="1"/></code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> the height or width specified is less than the correseponding dimension of the image</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <img alt="" height="1" src="sub-etusivu.jpg" style="display: none;" width="1"/></code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> Either the height or width attribute is missing</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <img alt="TKK" border="0" src="../style/images/logo.gif"/></code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> Either the height or width attribute is missing</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <img align="left" alt="" border="" src="../style/images/logo-bw.gif"/></code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The HTTP status code is 404 or 5xx (in response to the resource
http://www.tkk.fi/images/logo-bw.gif) and the response relates to a
request for an included resource </span>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span class="msg">MEASURES</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#MEASURES">MEASURES</a>]
Do not use pixel measures and do not use absolute units in markup language attribute values and style sheet property values. </p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 7
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… font-size: 14px</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 11
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… font-size: 20px</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 15
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… font-size: 18px</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 19
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… font-size: 16px</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 25
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… min-height: 102px</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 32
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… height: 102px</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 32
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… background:transparent url(/sv/sub-etusivu.jpg) no-repeat 194px </code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 185
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… width:465px</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A length property uses an absolute unit</span>
<em>Line 185
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… height:178px</code></pre>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span class="msg">OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT">OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT</a>]
Do not rely on embedded objects or script.</p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> A "javascript:" link is used</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <a href="javascript:window.print();">Print</a></code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The document uses scripting</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <script src="../midcom-static/jQuery/jquery-1.2.1.js" type="text/javascript"/></code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The document uses scripting</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <script type="text/javascript">
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
var MIDCOM_STATIC_URL = '/midcom-static';
var MIDCOM_PAGE_PREFIX = 'http://www.tkk.fi/';
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span class="msg">PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT">PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT</a>]
Ensure that the overall size of page is appropriate to the memory limitations of the device.</p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
<span> The total size of the page (89213 bytes) exceeds 20 kilobytes (Primary document: 8679, Images: 79407, Style sheets: 1127)</span>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Error" src="mobile_files/error.png" title="Error">
The HTTP status code is 404 or 5xx (in response to the resource
http://www.tkk.fi/images/logo-bw.gif) and the response relates to a
request for an included resource </span>
<h3>Tests passed with warnings</h3>
<p>Following tests were passed but raised one or more warnings.</p>
<p>You may want to consider if these warnings can help improve the page even further.</p>
<ol id="warnings">
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span class="msg">DEFAULT_INPUT_MODE</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#DEFAULT_INPUT_MODE">DEFAULT_INPUT_MODE</a>]
Specify a default text entry mode, language and/or input format, if the device is known to support it. </p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> There is no inputmode attribute on this text entry element</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <input id="search" name="q" type="text" value=""/></code></pre>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span class="msg">STYLE_SHEETS_SUPPORT</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#STYLE_SHEETS_SUPPORT">STYLE_SHEETS_SUPPORT</a>]
Organize documents so that if necessary they may be read without style sheets.</p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 3
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: none</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 38
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: block</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 58
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… float: left</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 63
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… float: right</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 73
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: block</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 74
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… float: left</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 85
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: none !important</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 90
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: none</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 100
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: none</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 105
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css">http://www.tkk.fi/style/css/print.css</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: none</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 43
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: none</code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The CSS style sheet contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties</span>
<em>Line 44
in <a href="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html">http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html</a>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… display: none</code></pre>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span class="msg">STYLE_SHEETS_USE</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#STYLE_SHEETS_USE">STYLE_SHEETS_USE</a>]
Use style sheets to control layout and presentation, unless the device is known not to support them.</p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> All styles are restricted to CSS media types other than "handheld" or "all"</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <style media="print, handheld" type="text/css">
@import "/style/css/print.css";
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> All styles are restricted to CSS media types other than "handheld" or "all"</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <style media="screen, projection" type="text/css">
@import "/style/css/screen.css";
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The style attribute is used</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <img alt="" height="1" src="etusivu.gif" style="display: none;" width="1"/></code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The style attribute is used</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <img alt="" height="1" src="sub-etusivu.jpg" style="display: none;" width="1"/></code></pre>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> The style attribute is used</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <table border="0" style="width:465px;height:178px;"><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></table></code></pre>
<li class="grouped msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span class="msg">TABLES_ALTERNATIVES</span>
<div class="ve">
Related best practice:
<br>[<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#TABLES_ALTERNATIVES">TABLES_ALTERNATIVES</a>]
Where possible, use an alternative to tabular presentation. </p>
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
<span> A Table element exists</span>
<pre xml:space="preserve"><code class="input">… <table border="0" style="width:465px;height:178px;"><tbody><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr><tr><!-- ...skipped by mobileOK checker... ---></tr></tbody></table></code></pre>
<h3>Links review</h3>
<p>Some of the links on the page point to resources that may not work adequately on a mobile device:</p>
<li class="msg_err">
<span class="err_type">
<img alt="Warning" src="mobile_files/warning_002.png" title="Warning">
</span> Links to resources of which the declared character encoding is not UTF-8: <ul>
<li>The linked resource http://alumni.tkk.fi/en/ is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://lib.tkk.fi is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://tkk100.tkk.fi/sv/ is served without a declared encoding</li>
linked resource
is served with a character encoding of iso-8859-1</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/en/faculty_staff/index.html is served with a character encoding of iso-8859-1</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/en/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/fi/henkilokunnalle/index.html is served with a character encoding of iso-8859-1</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/fi/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/aktuellt/nyheter/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
linked resource
is served without a declared encoding</li>
linked resource
is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/aktuellt/nyheter/view/tkk100_postimerkki.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
linked resource
is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/aktuellt/nyheter/view/tkk_varainhankinta.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/aktuellt/nyheter/view/tutkintotilastot_2007.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
linked resource
is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/alphabetical_index/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
linked resource
is served with a character encoding of iso-8859-1</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/blistuderande/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/feedback/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/forskning/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html?text is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/om_tkk/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
linked resource
is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/om_tkk/kontaktuppgifter/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
linked resource
is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/rss/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/sitemap/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<li>The linked resource http://www.tkk.fi/sv/studier/index.html is served without a declared encoding</li>
<div id="frontforms">
<p class="notabene">
this service is released as a <strong>beta</strong>
demonstrator of what the W3C MobileOK Basic checker service will look
like; it is very likely to time out on some sites, esp. if they use a
great number of links. </p>
<div id="fields">
<form method="get" action="">
<fieldset id="validate-by-uri" class="tabset_content front">
<legend class="tabset_label">Check by URI</legend>
<label for="uri">Address of the document to check:</label>
<input name="docAddr" id="uri" value="http://www.tkk.fi/sv/index.html" size="50">
<p class="submit_button"><input value="Check" type="submit"></p>
<div id="footer">
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Support this tool, become a<br>
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<p id="version_info">script $Revision: 1.6 $ of $Date: 2008/04/03 09:55:39 $<br>
by <a href="http://www.w3.org/People/Dom/">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a><br>
and <a href="mailto:fd@w3.org">François Daoust</a><br>
based on <a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2007/mobileok-ref/">mobileOK Basic checker library</a>,<br> supported by <a href="http://www.w3.org/2006/3GWeb/">3GWeb</a> and <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/MobiWeb20/">MobiWeb2.0</a>, funded by the European Union.
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