Empowerment and participation of people with disabilities: inclusion in Higher education and employment
<h3>The goal</h3>
<p>To create the platform for exchanging ideas about participation and inclusion of young people with disabilities into Higher education and employment.</p>
<li>To present higher education accessibility and employment issues in
different countries for people working with disability issues
<li>To analyze people with disabilities empowerment and participation
questions moving to an inclusive society
<li>To foster Students organizations and Higher education institutions
to work with higher education accessibility issues more intensively
<li>To stimulate social actors to discuss and take decisions to improve accessibility in Higher education institutions</li>
<li>To increase and maintain the collaboration with National and
International partners in Higher education
<li>To profile the media and society attention to the topic of inclusive society</li>
<h3>Call for Presentations</h3>
<p><b>Background:</b> The international conference with the topic about Higher education accessibility for disabled will be organized for the first time in Lithuania. There will be attending the participants from different countries: Germany, Romania, Luxembourg, France, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Belgium, United Kingdom, Hungary, Netherlands, Croatia and others. This conference is being organized in order to increase knowledge and to share the experience in Higher education accessibility for disabled and inclusion in the employment field. Finally, it will be an opportunity to intensify future international collaboration.</b>
<p><b>Organizers:</b> Lithuanian National Union of Students</p>
<p><b>Partners: </b> Study Centre for Blind and Visually Impaired Students (Germany), L’Association “Les Enfants Sourient” (Romania), Info-Handicap - Conseil National des Personnes Handicapées (Luxembourg), The Slovene Association of Disabled Students (Slovenia), The Union of the Bulgarian Students (Bulgaria), Skill: National Bureau for Students with Disabilities (United Kingdom), Visually Impaired’s Educational World Support (Belgium), The National Union of Flanders-Belgium (Belgium), Student service association (Hungary), IMAGINE (Croatia). </p>
<p><b>Co-sponsors:</b> European Youth Foundation</p>
<p><b>Target audience:</b> People with disabilities, students from students' organizations, representatives from organizations for disabled people, administration of the higher education institutions, disability coordinators, administration of the specialized schools for disabled people and others who are related to these topics.</p>
<p><b>Focus:</b> Higher education accessibility for disabled and inclusion in the employment</p>
<p><b>Official conference language:</b> English</p>
<p><b>Accessibility:</b> The conference program, facility, and housing are accessible. To request additional information, please contact Ruta Ruolyte, conference organizer: ruta@lss.lt</p>
<h4>Presentation Topics</h4>
<li>Higher education accessibility for disabled</li>
<li>Students with disability inclusion into the employment</li>
<li>Personal work with disabled students</li>
<li>Design for All</li>
<h4>Proposal Content and Format</h4>
<p>Please send in a proposal including the following information:
<ol><li>The name, title, institution or organization, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address for all presenters.</li>
<li>Brief description of the presentation (for use in the Conference Program).</li>
<li>Presentation format: Lecture, Interactive workshop, Other. Indicate your preference: 30 minutes or 60 minutes</li>
<li>Audiovisual needs: Please indicate your audio-visual needs in advance.</li>
<li>Abstract (300 words).</li>
Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than
April 20, 2008</p>
<p><b>Proposals must be submited by e-mail as an attachment in Word to:</b><br>
Ruta Ruolyte<br>
Lithuanian National Union of Students<br>
Email: ruta@lss.lt<br>
Fax: +370 5 2611 797</b></p>